our work

POWER in Our Purpose

We collaboratively develop and work to implement platforms, initiatives, and programs that serve to eradicate systemic racism at the state and local levels through acknowledgement, creation, and transformation.

We provide a variety of community forums, panels, and lectures to enable community members to gain an understanding of root causes, impact, and solutions for systemic racism; provide important input and perspective; leverage existing transformational resources; and become a part of the solution.

We provide statewide individual assistance and small business grants. We disrupt the status quo economic systems as we work to transform and create new. We advocate for, create, and manage programs to assist in personal empowerment and business creation. Additionally, we advocate for, create, and manage programs to assist personal and business development. We adovocate and support for land and home ownership.

We have annual programming on MLK, African American History Month, Juneteenth, First African Landing Day, and Kwanza. Other activities include events, forums, affinity spaces, and wellness spaces.
