Summer Updates

Equal Protection Constitutional Amendment

The House of the Representatives of the Vermont General Assembly passed the Equal Protection constitutional amendment overwhelmingly with a vote of 140 to 4. The constitutional amendment would incorporate an Equal Protection Article into the Vermont constitution for the first time in 247 years! 

Why is this important?  The “color-blind” Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) interpretation currently being applied to the  the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment is actively reversing our civil rights and obstructing attempts to redress historical and ongoing harm caused by policy. Unfortunately over the past several decades the SCOTUS has drifted away from the original intent of the Equal Protection Clause (to protect the formerly enslaved).  This has also severely limited our ability to address disparities created by the legacy of slavery – systemic racism. There are ongoing unprecedented reversals and/or significant alterations of civil rights protections previously safeguarded by the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

For the first time in state history, we have initiated a Vermont equal protection constitutional amendment.  Though we know that it will be decided in the courts, this constitutional amendment could lay the groundwork in creating a state legal approach to equal protection which  assists Vermont in its ability to create survivable policies that correct disparate outcomes caused by systemic racism and other forms of oppression. This constitutional amendment could assist Vermont in providing broader civil rights protections in the face of national threats.  These protections could even be expanded to some who are currently less protected and prevent harmful classification-based algorithms.  

We will continue to train and organize around equal protection over the Summer and into the fall.  Next Biennium the constitutional amendment is required to pass the Senate and House again before such tine as it heads to the ballot. Please attend the training and organizing sessions as you see them announced.  Equal Protection is the cornerstone of civil rights and justice in the United States. How Vermont responds to equal protection will make the difference in the lives of our children and our children’s children. 


We’ll meet at the Richard Kemp Center on July 24th at 6:00 PM for a planning and organizing meting. This meeting will be hybrid. Here is the link:

Vermont Health Equity Advisory Commission 

In 2021 the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance put forward H.210, a “An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system.” We were unsuccessful in our request for the creation of Vermont Office of Health Equity. Instead the Health Equity Advisory Commission was created.

The Health Equity Advisory Commission is advisory to the Vermont Department of Health and the Vermont General Assembly.

Vermont State Statue References:

  • Enabling legislation: Act 33 of 2021
  • Relevant legislation: Sec. B.1106(a)(10) of Act 74 of 2021
  • Governing statute: 18 V.S.A. §252


  • “Promote health equity and eradicate health disparities among Vermonters, including particularly those who are Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color; individuals who are LGBTQ; and individuals with disabilities.’
  • “Amplify the voices of impacted communities regarding decisions made by the State that impact health equity, whether in the provision of health care services or as the result of social determinants of health.”
  • “Provide strategic guidance on the development of the Office of Health Equity, including recommendations on the structure, responsibilities, and jurisdiction of such an office.”

We invite the community to be a part of this vital work. We are specifically interested in hearing the impact of systemic oppression in your life that continues to affect your wellness. You are also welcome to attend and become engaged in some of the important committee work.

2 July, 2024
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Richard Kemp Center 
372 N Winooski Ave BTV
Join on Teams here:
Or just find it on in our Profile.

Equity Matters 

Tuesday, July 2nd!

Because of the legacy of slavery there have always been calls for freedom, equal protection, equal rights, civil rights and EQUITY! Centering Black and Brown communities with an eye towards racial justice, Equity Matters holds space for some of the most important pressing issues impacting Black folks in Vermont. Equity Matters.

Fletcher Free Library
First Tuesdays
6:00 PM till 8:00 PM
Remote Option Registration Link:…/tZwsd…

June: Equal Protection
July: Racism a Public Health Emergency
August: Homes and Land
September: Education
October: Youth
November: Criminal and Juvenile Justice
December: Health and Wellness

Session 2:
Racism: A Public Health Emergency

2 July, 2024

The historic June 2020, Racial Justice Through Economic and Criminal Justice Resolution resolved racism to be a citywide health crisis in Burlington. The following month, the Declaration that racism constitutes a public health emergency in Burlington and Chittenden County was signed by the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance (VRJA), the City of Burlington and dozens of other organizations. In April 2021 CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH declared racism a “serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans and, as a result, affects the health of our entire nation.” In May of 2021, the VRJA completed its advocacy for a Vermont Joint Legislative Resolution that Racism Constitutes a Public Health Emergency.

What have policy makers and executives learned since having resolved and declared racism a public health emergency? Are they willing and able to return to the place they were in their hearts and minds at the time that they made these commitments, to get the work done? Do they have the will and the courage to follow through with dismantling systemic racism, now understanding the political and economic price? The American Public Health Association has stated that “These declarations are an important first step in the movement to advance racial equity and justice and must be followed by allocation of resources and strategic action.”

Remote Option Registration Link:…/tZwsd…

Turning the Curve on Systemic Racism; Building Back a Healthier Vermont

We relaunched the Statewide Turning the Curve Campaign with Vermont Student Anti Racism Network (VSARN) on Tuesday, June 18th!

This is a Statewide campaign to educate folks on the definition and root causes of systemic racism while providing agencies, organizations and municipalities the opportunity to take measurable action. The campaign will also lay the groundwork for organizing for Statewide policy to dismantle systemic racism. Sessions will be conducted in various locations across Vermont throughout the Summer. Please notify your extended network.

Organizations and agencies are encouraged to bring progress updates and new signatories are welcome to join. VRJA will work with VSARN to provide updates and breakout sessions for youth (8th through 12th grade.)

To sign up to host a “Turning the Curve” session in your town, go here:

Racism is a public health emergency!


The historic June 2020, Racial Justice Through Economic and Criminal Justice Resolution resolved racism to be a citywide health crisis in Burlington. The following month, the Declaration that racism constitutes a public health emergency in Burlington and Chittenden County was signed by the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance (VRJA), the City of Burlington and dozens of other organizations. In April 2021 CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH declared racism a “serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans and, as a result, affects the health of our entire nation.” In May of 2021, the VRJA successfully completed its advocacy for a Vermont Joint Legislative Resolution that Racism Constitutes a Public Health Emergency.

This joint resolution and the declaration commits to “sustained and deep work of eradicating systemic racism throughout the State, actively fighting racist practices, and participating in the creation of more just and equitable systems” and “coordinating work and participating in ongoing action, grounded in science and data, to eliminate race-based health disparities and eradicate systemic racism.” The American Public Health Association has stated that “These declarations are an important first step in the movement to advance racial equity and justice and must be followed by allocation of resources and strategic action.”

Current and tentative plans include the following dates and locations:
Burlington- July 11th @ the Richard Kemp Center 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Bennington- July 25, location TBD 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Rutland – Aug 8, location TBD 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
St Albans – TBD
Montpelier – TBD
St Johnsbury – TBD

More to come on Turning the Curve

First African Landing Day

The 6th Annual Vermont First African Landing Day will be on August 24, 2024, at Intervale Center, Burlington, Vermont.  The purpose of this day is to recognize and highlight the resilience and contributions of African-Americans since 1619; to acknowledge the impact that slavery and laws that enforced racial discrimination had [have] on the United States; and to educate the public about the arrival of Africans in the United States and the contributions of African-Americans to the United States. 

The 2024 theme “Stay The Course” is inspired by the Adinkra symbol Nkyinkyim (which directly translates to “Life’s journey is twisted). This year’s theme speaks to the wisdom of considering the tenacity of our ancestors as we remain attentive and responsive to the continuously changing landscape before us.

As we ramp up for this event we could always use a hand.  There are tons of ways that you can help and of course we’d really appreciate it!  Here is a place where Volunteer Signup Form. Please take a minute and let us know how you would like to b involved.  Fundraising starts today!  Click the link below to become an early supporter. 

Early Supporters Click HERE


Issues affecting Black folks.  Black Folks effecting change.
2nd Wednesdays @ 5:25 PM

Demographics” Episode 

Wellnesses Working Group
Centering racial justice and equity.  Areas of discussion and action include:

Narrative Change
Investment in Mental Health Services
Diversion Programs
Remote access here  

BTV: Black to Vermont

BTV: Black To Vermont will bridge the gap between African Americans and African immigrants, highlighting their shared struggles and unique cultural identities.

About The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance 

The mission of the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance is to secure sustainable power, ensure agency and provide security for American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), while embracing their history and preserving their culture. 

Vermont Racial Justice Alliance Leadership and Team 

Give here.

Thanks for giving. 


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