Racial Justice Alliance Identifies Race-Aggregated Data Regarding Policing, Criminal Justice, Health, Education, and Wealth Inequalities

The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance (RJA) has compiled a resource of race-aggregated data on policing, criminal justice, health, educational, and wealth inequalities in Vermont to elucidate the role of race in persisting disparities across all sectors. This data is available on the RJA website at https://www.vtracialjusticealliance.org/data-dashboards/

The RJA data dashboard now includes Vermont traffic stop data through 2019; an expansion of data on wealth, land, and home ownership; improved graphics for geographical visualization; unemployment data; and more. Users can visit the dashboard as a one-stop-shop for vital data that has the potential to inform policy outcomes and public opinion. 

The dashboard allows users to examine the following data, among others, to easily identify the role played by a person’s racial background:

  • Police stop rates and incarceration rates 
  • COVID-19 illness and vaccination rates
  • Home and land ownership
  • School suspensions and college graduation rates 

“The RJA dashboard brings together national- and state-level data on a number of issues facing Vermont, in a way that is easy to interpret,” said Mark Hughes, Executive Director of the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance. “RJA’s data-driven approach is intended to enable us to illuminate the impact of racism, measure progress, and inform policy decisions.  We will continue to maintain and grow this data site to ensure that folks are able to see the painful but true impact of systemic and overt racism in Vermont.”

Part of RJA’s multi-year, ongoing data collection effort has entailed identifying critical gaps in information that informs policy outcomes, such as data around unemployment rates by race. RJA will continue to work with the VT state government and NGOs to obtain this data.


Contact: Stephanie Gomory, 802-505-5587

[email protected]

About the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance

The mission of the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance is to secure sustainable power, ensure agency and provide security for American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), while embracing their history and preserving their culture.

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