Community Meeting on July 2, Legislative Agenda, Webinars, and more
Join us for the latest updates on the Legislative Agenda, Operation Phoenix R.I.S.E. in Burlington and updates from across the state and the latest on our Webinar Series. We are organizing like never before and continuing the work that we started in dismantling systemic racism in Vermont.
There will be breakouts for those interested in Membership, Government Relations, Organizing, Training, Research, Political Education and Policy, Communications and more. Bring your racial justice hat because this is a movement!
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2020
The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance is under the leadership of People Of Color.
Legislative Agenda
Our work in the State House is not done. We have expressed disappointment with the legislature’s hurried attempts to get some type of “criminal justice reform” work done before they recessed for the summer. First, they are moving too fast on these policies and as a result could cause unintended consequences. Secondly, the legislators are allowing the Commissioner of Public Safety and other law enforcement folks to take all of the air out of the room. Finally, criminal justice reform IS NOT RACIAL JUSTICE!
We have been asking the legislature to address issues like use of force for over the last three years. We reject the process that was clearly designed to move policy as quickly as possible for political purposes.
We have been providing the following priorities to legislative leadership over the last several months:
- COVID-19 Targeted Relief
- Economic Development and Empowerment
- Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement
- Staffing Racial Equity Office
- Update Population Quality of Life Outcomes to include a “People of Color” 3 VSA 2311
- Prioritize Centralized Race Data Repository (State Government)
- Reparations (H.478)
Could you please remind the leadership that in these times that they should be listening to us?
- Contact Senator Ashe [email protected] or (802) 318-0903
- Contact Senator Balint [email protected] or (802) 365-1060
- Contact Speaker Johnson [email protected] (802) 828-2228
- Contact Senator Sirotkin [email protected] or (802) 999-4360
- Contact House Gov Ops [email protected]
- Contact Senate Gov Ops [email protected]
Other things we are talking about:
- Strengthened reparative and racial equity components of the Cannabis taxation and regulation bill S.54, (Cannabis reparations petition)
- Incorporate racial equity and environmental justice at the center of any Statewide land use statute (H.926, the bill related to ACT 250)
Reparations In Vermont: Is That A Thing?
The Legislative Series continues. Created to provide a forum to educate community members and gain their perspectives while informing legislator’s decisions on policy, the Series was running throughout the legislative session and all forums were being conducted at the Statehouse until the COVID-19 outbreak. Now, we’re bringing it to your living room.
The deliberations in the US House of Representatives on legislation that would create a Commission to study and develop reparations proposals (HR.40) have reached a fever pitch. A bill has been introduced in Vermont that would establish a task force to study and consider a State apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery. Vermont law makers remain SILENT on the matter, despite the national racial unrest. We’re advancing the discussion. Is the appointment of a task force to examine an apology and reparations the appropriate solution? What are the hopes and fears of community and policy makers surrounding the prospect of such task force? There is allot to discuss and we’ll bring representatives from community, policy makers, clergy and activists together for that discussion.
H.478 is recommended for review prior to attending.
NOTE: You must register via the Zoom link.
We’re offsetting some of our expenses with a nominal fee. EVERYBODY can attend this event. For free access send a note to [email protected]
If you’d like to give more, go here after registration:
Find more here:
Who’s Watching the VTPD?
Article 6 of the Vermont State Constitution states that power is inherent in and derived from and all officers of the government are accountable to the people. Article 5 of the Vermont State Constitution states that the people, through their legal representatives have the sole, inherent and exclusive right of governing and regulating the internal police. Rule 25 of the Vermont House rules assign the House Government Operations Committee the duties of organization and oversight of law enforcement and public safety. Where are we on civilian oversight of law enforcement in Vermont today and why? If it is not what it should be, we can only hold ourselves responsible. We’re bringing the conversation of civilian oversight of Vermont law enforcement to the people.
Petition for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement:
Coming soon!
See Justice For All’s Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement Campaign: Who’s Watching the VTPD here and sign the petition.